Old Toys and Cards on a Table

History-to-Go Traveling Trunks

The Virginia Beach History Museums are excited to offer teacher resources in the form of our History-to-Go Traveling Trunks! Trunks come complete with reproduction artifacts, lesson plans, and activities your students will enjoy. Resources are aligned with the most up-to-date Virginia Standards of Learning in support of Virginia's 5 C's . Schedule a time to pick up a traveling trunk from the Lynnhaven House , today!

History-to-Go Traveling Trunks are $40 per trunk for a two-week rental. Please call (757) 385-5100, or email vbhistory@vbgov.com , to make reservations.

Traveling Trunks

Use this traveling trunk to guide your students to make connections between the past and the present by analyzing artifacts, gathering evidence through hands-on lessons, and participating in class discussions. Discover how colonial life was different from life today, learn how resources shaped daily life, and explore the difficulties of life in colonial Virginia.