Group Visits
The Virginia Beach History Museums offer several special programs for group visits, including for traveling bus groups. Please contact us at , or call (757) 385-5100 , to book group visits and ask any questions.

A Colonial Tea
Experience the architecture of a colonial home, including an in-depth talk about the importance of tea gardens. Each historic house has lush gardens full of local and imported herbs that were used to create tea and medicine. After the event, enjoy a tea tasting with locally sourced pastries. Ages 5+

Haunted Stories
Each historic site has plenty of history to share, but some stories you have to hear to believe! For guests curious about the supernatural, listen to tales of the past inhabitants of these historic homes. After the program, you’ll be left to answer one question; is the house really haunted? Ages 13+

Witches in Virginia
In North America, less than 10 witch bottles have been found. At the Thoroughgood House exhibit, one of the famed witch bottles is on display. It is believed that this repellant charm was used against the infamous Grace Sherwood, Witch of Pungo. Grace was one of few witches ever convicted of witchcraft in the colony of Virginia. Come on a special visit discussing the history of witches in the colonies and Tidewater’s own Grace Sherwood. After the tour, make your own replica witch bottle to thwart evil spirits and keep them at bay. Ages 10+

History by Lantern Light
Ever curious what the historic houses look like at night? Take this special dusk tour by lantern light and experience what the houses would have looked like before modern day electric lights. A costumed interpreter will give you an in depth look at colonial life through the eyes of the people that lived in colonial Virginia. All ages welcome.